I can see how you would have trouble understanding what the problem is with this HCR bill. I read BBC articles quite often and quite often I find myself shaking my head in disbelief that you would let your government control you like they do. Just because you let your government tell how to live your life isn't how we, Americans, want, or would ever choose to live. They decide what is good for you and your children from health care to child rearing. I really do keep up with what goes on in your country and you are very well controlled. They don't even feel that you are even competent enough to raise your own children. I believe in my FREEDOM to choose what is best for my family. They, your gov't, have appointed themselves your guardian for centuries and now our gov't has done the same for us. This just doesn't sit well with those of us that see the writing on the wall. Consider the fact that our gov't has already begun enforcing medical procedures and drugs on our children against their will, and their parents will by using and implementing the threat of taking custody of them, the children, if they don't acquiesce to said procedures and drugs. Just one example of this is the use of chemo on minors. It is well documented that this has occurred . Check it out for yourself. While, perhaps some of the HCR bill might have some qualities worth considering, the fear is actually coming from what is NOT being said and the loopholes that are in place for future control of other aspects of our lives. Where does the control end? Such as the possibility of the gov't eradicating or giving pharmaceutical companies control of homeopathic/alternative methods of health care. Could this also possibly lead to them deciding what food that we eat....so on and so forth. While quite a few believe that this is just insane conspiracy theory rhetoric, the fact remains that the control has been put in place. So many people are being fooled by the shiny new penny being waved in front of them .What control will the power hungry gov't go for next? This is setting a precedence. Perhaps YOU dont comprehend the magnitude that this bill will have on OUR life and FREEDOMS here in the USA but we DO. Have you ever heard of Ben Franklin, or perhaps the Revolutionary War that separated us, finally, from your egotistical, over bearing, control obsessive country? That is what our forefathers fought for, FREEDOM from government tyranny. This seems to be a repeat in our history. I watched the Senatorial debate this morning and the Dem rep from NY stated that we will love this new health care reform, eventually, once it is "explained" to us on our level. As though we are just too ignorant to understand anything on our own. They want us to become Stepford Wives...it isn't so bad. This is a political party fight for control. We are the victims here. The fear mongering is coming from BOTH parties. Let's be clear on that. Also, just so you know what I might be referring to concerning your govmnt and its control over you and your children, is the Gardasil fiasco. Your govmnt. actually decided to hand out gift certificates to little girls if they would agree to be injected with that garbage that Big Pharma is peddling as a guarantee to prevent cervical cancer. They have no proof of their claims. Also, you might want to check out all of the reports of the actual documented side effects that the poison they are peddling is having on those poor little girls. Have you ever read 1984? I have. It seems that England and now the US could very well fit the bill for the very situation that occurs in that story. Yes, I am concerned about this HCR bill because it isn't just about health care. Side note...our taxes are already high and will become much higher.
The following is my retort to an opinion given on the Mother Jones sight concerning the HCR bill by a UK citizen and his/her inability to understand why we don't want "free health services"....and I quote..."it just means paying a little more in taxes for something you were going to pay for anyway."
The UK citizens are used to govnmnt control...